Friday, February 26, 2010

getting pregnant free fertility tips

Get Pregnant Now! Fertility Tips
There are ways in which to maximise your chances of conceiving naturally and fast. Read on to see if there are any things you have not already tried.

Lets be honest making babies should be the easiest thing in the world right! Well I bet you have been practicing in one way or another for years. In fact you have more than likely been trying to avoid getting pregnant taking every precaution you can think of.

So if you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant now read of for your free fertility tips.

· The first action to take when you decide you want to get pregnant is to stop taking your oral contraceptive. Sounds obvious doesn't it. However many couples do not realise that you need to get the active drug out of your system before you can get pregnant and for some this can take time. If you have been taking the pill for a long time it may take several menstrual cycles to start ovulating regularly. However, it is possible to get pregnant straight away though, so be prepared.

· Ladies, get to know your body and understand your menstrual cycle. Learn about when you ovulate. You can buy ovulation prediction kits that will help you calculate when your egg is about to be released. This helps you plan your baby making sex. You can calculate roughly when you are about to ovulate by subtracting 14 from the length of you cycle.

· Did you know that once the egg has been released it only lasts for approximately 12 - 24 hours! However sperm can last in the fallopian tube for 2 - 3 days. Therefore it makes sense to have intercourse just before you ovulate so that sperm is available to fertilise the egg.

· Check your weight. Being overweight or underweight can affect your chances of getting pregnant. If you are significantly overweight take care in dieting - extreme weight loss can deplete your body of essential nutrients and hinder you conceiving. Keep to a balanced diet containing fresh fruit and vegetables, organic animal produce, low fats and high fibre.

· When planning to get pregnant keep yourself fit and stick to a healthy exercise programme. You will benefit from the flexibility, strength and stamina that is required during pregnancy and labour.

· Guys you too need to take care of your body. If you have been having difficulty in conceiving boost your chances by wearing loose fitting underpants and trousers. Tight fitting clothes can lower sperm count due to overheating. For the same reason avoid hot baths!

· Sometimes having too much sex can be the problem. It can cause anxiety and frustration when you are not getting pregnant and lead to sexual or relationship problems. Two to three times per week is good and should ensure good quality sperm. However if you want to have more sex then that is fine too as long as it is not causing any stress between you.

If you are having difficulty in getting pregnant and want some real practical advice on trying to conceive naturally from the experts, then find out more from this popular review site. Get your free review at:

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Monday, February 22, 2010

improve female fertility

The Truth Behind the Natural Way to Improve Female Fertility
By Elizabeth Campbell
The amount of clinical information on what to do to achieve pregnancy is staggering. Can there possibly be some information on the natural way to improve female fertility? Of course, there is, you just have to look at the food you are eating. Sound too simple? Think of all the preservative and additives in foods just to keep them "fresh". Now think of what all those chemicals are doing to your body.

While the humorous thought may be that the preservatives are "preserving" your body also, in reality they are harming your body in more ways than you may think. Not only does research show that the inclusion of trans fat in your diet increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity, it also indicates an increase risk for infertility.

If you ingest just four grams of trans fat in your diet a day you increase your risk of infertility. So how can you adhere to a natural way to improve female fertility when such a small amount of trans fat increases your risk? Avoid foods such as fried foods, packaged snacks and commercial baked goods. Even potato chips and popcorn should be avoided to increase your chance of fertility.

When at the grocery store try to choose whole foods as often as possible. Read the labels on the foods you do like to gauge the amount of trans fat they contain. Also, when dining out, ask your server if the food you are ordering contains trans fats. Eating foods that are natural or organic will bring you to a natural way to improve female fertility.

Stop stressing over the fact of not becoming pregnant. Studies have shown that women who have resided themselves to a life without children oftentimes became pregnant. Putting yourself under such pressure causes your stress level to increase as well as taking the joy out of the act of sex itself.

Consider herbal alternatives as a natural way to improve female fertility. Chinese people believe that there is an energy that flows in your body and when this energy is disrupted or imbalanced, it inhibits proper hormonal function for the body to conceive. Speak to a person knowledgeable in natural medicine as well as your physician to see what herbs are best suited to your needs.

As with herbal treatment, consider multivitamins as a natural way to improve female fertility. The B complex vitamins are essential during pre-conceptual planning. Research has also shown that vitamin B6 has increased fertility in women. Once again, speak to your physician about what vitamins will suit your particular body's needs.

Along with diet and exercise choices, how you handle your monthly period plays a role in fertility. Using a tampon can introduce oxygen into the vagina, allowing the growth of bacteria and toxins. How do you avoid putting these toxins into your body? Use 100 percent organic cotton tampons or sanitary napkins that are non-chlorine bleached.

The natural way to improve female fertility may take some research on your part, but will be well worth it in the long run. Choosing to live a healthier lifestyle will not only benefit your chances of becoming pregnant but will also increase your fertility. And what better way to start a pregnancy than to be a healthy person.

Are you having problems getting pregnant? Are you looking for fertility treatment, have fertility questions, or looking for books on fertility? You might well have heard about IVF and yes, it's expensive and frequently requires several treatments. It's time to learn the truth about IVF and why IVF is often useless......or even worse.

Learn about the only true and complete way to view infertility and ways to ensure your body is totally ready to conceive and changes you can make right now, to increase your chances of pregnancy by 3,000% and much, much more! Visit now.

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Get Pregnant Naturally

Simple Things to Do to Help Yourself Get Pregnant Naturally
By Moga Gina Ioana
When you are trying to get pregnant you may look every where and ask the question "can someone please help me get pregnant naturally". You will drive yourself and no doubt everyone around you bonkers asking for some one somewhere to assist. But before you loose you mind with the "help me get pregnant" drama ask yourself, are you and your male partner doing everything that you can to facilitate the result you want.

Drugs can have a varied effect and most women wish to get pregnant naturally, they should start their journey by Asking themselves, "What can I do to help me get pregnant" or "What can he do to help me get pregnant". Women often times make things harder on themselves by panicking when they are not getting pregnant as fast as they think they should. Stress can lead to issues with ovulation and should be avoided.

First find out what your working with by buying a basil thermometer and beginning to record for one month your basil temperature. Make an appointment for your gynecologist and his urologist, and start keeping track of what each of you do daily to increase your chances at success.

Next understand that timing is everything when it comes to increasing your chances of getting pregnant. The best time when a woman will be her most fertile is the five days leading up to her period and the day that she is ovulating. Studies have shown that the period after this time a woman's fertility drops from about 36% to about 10% after her period.

Next go back to your two main questions you asked at the beginning of this article:

"What can I do to help me get pregnant naturally?"

While most problems do lie with the man there a few things which can cause issues on the woman's side of the matter these simple things can help to make you as fertilization ready as possible.

The top thing you can do to help yourself get pregnant is to have a very detailed and intimate understanding of your body and keep records of how and when it does the things that are important to facilitate getting pregnant.

Avoid any supplements or medications which can interfere with your bodies ability to ovulate or to receive a fertilized egg. Simple research can help you to determine what these are. You may also want to consider increasing your chances to get pregnant naturally is by using supplements to make the vaginal chamber and womb more accommodating and sperm friendly.

Sperm are very delicate little things and can easily be thrown off if everything inside you is not right. You also want to have your doctor preform a very thorough gynecological exam and exploration procedure on you to make sure your vagina is healthy and that everything is working as it should.

A woman can actually tell if she is in the fertile period of the month, simply by monitoring her cervical mucus. This fluid is released from the woman's vagina prior to her period. When the fluid becomes plentiful and thin then a woman is in her ovulation period and this is the best chance to become pregnant.

"What can my male partner do to help me get pregnant naturally?"

Usually the problem with hard fertilization lies with the man. Use these simple methods to assist in making him as fertilization ready as possible.

Get your male partner checked with a urologist to establish his sperm count, if it is low, look into ways of increasing the count. Temperature is vital to healthy sperm, in the natural world a male animals sperm are protected by the constant adjustments made by the scrotum, Human however wear clothes and do other activities which interfere with the bodies natural systems. You can take steps however to make things more beneficial to production with some changes, these may be as simple as changing him from tighty whities to boxer shorts. He should also refrain from taking hot baths or using a steam room or jacuzzi for 6 weeks prior to your attempt to get pregnant. When at home he should remove his pants and be in underwear or other loose fitting shorts as much as possible to help keep temperatures in the favorable range.

Your male partners endowment is also important to the process of getting pregnant, as is his ejacualtory force. The sperm can only travel so far before they start to expire. The closer you can get the sperm to the crevice the better, this being said if your male partner is less than average in endowment or has a weak ejaculatory force then you might want to consider "alternative fertilizing methods" one of the most popular is a phallic shaped device about 8½ inches long, which contains a chamber and plunger mechanism, you male partner loads the chamber with his seaman and after insertion of the device the plunger is presses and squirts the seaman into the cervical area.

Another aspect that falls on him is the amount of seaman he produces and the sperm count of the seaman. When first starting out measure his production by using a set of measuring spoons. The average healthy man between 30-45 should be producing 3-5 tablespoons a day on average. This is optimal to getting a positive implementation. If your male partner is not producing at this level talk to a doctor or herbalist about supplements which can help to increase the volume. He should also try "constant arousal therapy" this is a process of minor masturbation sessions, which he does 4-5 times a day for about 5-7 minutes each time for the two weeks leading up to your ovulation period. He should refrain from any voluntary ejaculations during these sessions in order to increase both volume, force and sperm count of his product.

I hope that you have found these tips on getting pregnant helpful: get pregnant naturally

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Saturday, February 20, 2010

invitro fertilization fertility clinics

Fertility Facts - Cost Of Invitro Fertilization
By Beth Ortiz
If having trouble conceiving has you visiting fertility clinics to start your new family, it is important to remain fully aware of the costs of invitro fertilization. If you have previously undergone a tubal ligation or vasectomy, the cost of invitro fertilization will likely interest you. Invitro fertilization is a viable option for those individuals who have undergone procedures meant to prevent having children and who now are interested in starting a family.

The cost of invitro fertilization varies from case to case and you must have your specific health evaluated in order to understand any potential costs. The cost of invitro fertilization can be pricey yet fertility clinics are aware that most major insurance companies do not cover fertility matters so they will often offer financing options for those who want a family. It is important to remain realistic when looking at cost and the end goal. There is no price that can be put on bringing a new life into the world and invitro fertilization offers those who normally may not be able to conceive the opportunity to have a child. Thus the cost and the benefits and positives are synonymous.

It is important to be very aware of the cost however, and to commit to being fully informed of the financing options offered to you. Finding a fertility clinic that you feel comfortable with and that you can trust is important. If you do not have it in your means to afford invitro fertilization, it is important to see if your insurance company may cover some of the cost of invitro fertilization. With that in mind, you can then finance a portion of the cost. If some diagnostic procedures are required to get you moving toward having a family via invitro fertilization, it is important to know that some insurance companies will cover some of the cost of invitro fertilization.

Keep in mind that there are many fertility clinics that have your best interests in mind and who would love to help you start a new family or add onto the one you already have. The cost of invitro fertilization need not stand in the way of your new family and most fertility clinics are aware of the fact that the average family does not have the available funds to pay for the cost of invitro fertilization right away. So competitive interest rates and different types of financing are often an option. Make sure you shop around and inform yourself. Knowing how the procedure works and what you will actually be paying for is important.

The cost of invito fertilization mainly covers the extraction of eggs from the woman's body and the extraction of sperm from the man's body. This extraction would be necessary if a vasectomy were performed prior. Also, it covers the care for the egg and sperm and the preparation of the embryos and their eventual implantation back into the uterus of the woman. So various components are involved and staying informed of the cost of invitro fertilization and the procedure itself will help you to decide if it is the right fertility option for you and your family.

Visit FertilityProRegistry to find a fertility clinic in your area and to find more information on the cost of invitro fertilization to stay fully informed of your options.

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Friday, February 19, 2010

Conceive Pregnancy

overcome infertility and get pregnant Infertility is one of the major reasons that prevent women from getting pregnant and having their own children.
Female Infertility  is defined as the inability of a woman to conceive.

For many women around the globe conceiving a child is not easy, but you must know, you are not alone and there is help available. Fertility problems are very common, approximately 10 percent of women who attempt to become pregnant encounter problems with infertility. There are several reasons why a woman may become unable to conceive, the most common reasons include ovulation issues which is a result of problems with hormones and poor egg quality.

The Conceive for Her formula contains just the right formulation of herbal and mineral extracts, amino acids and vitamins to support your bodies' natural hormone levels, and improve egg health. Because this product is a 100% natural formulation you will not need to worry about any embarrassing doctor's visits or expensive prescriptions. However if you do suffer any serious health concerns you should review the product with your doctor before use.
get pregnant with conceive
Directions are simply to take 2 pills daily and within just a few weeks your hormone levels will be normalized, your egg health improved and your fertility will be greatly increased, thus improving your chances of conception. Most customers are able to conceive within 3 months of taking the product particularly if both partners are taking the product. Some couples can take up to 6 month's before becoming pregnant.

Typically there is usually only 4 days per month when a healthy woman is in the right time of her cycle to conceive this is 17 - 13 days before menstruating, so ideally one should take the pills at least 2 weeks prior to this and have sexual intercourse as often as possible within this time frame. The Conceive product also contains various natural aphrodisiacs to assist your arousal and sexual desire, these will enable you to perform at your best and have increased sexual desire during this demanding time.

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Thursday, February 18, 2010

getting pregnant easily

I Cannot Get Pregnant
By Anne Harvill
It's a question that's been asked a million times..."why is it I cannot get pregnant?" After spending our youth avoiding this situation it's amazing to see the shear number of women who are struggling with this problem. Never in our wildest dreams did we stop to consider that one day we would wonder why we cannot get pregnant.

Believing that you cannot get pregnant is overwhelming. It is something that may be real or it may be that you just haven't given it enough time. Wanting a family is such a strong desire that it is easy to panic and think that you cannot get pregnant based on very little evidence.There are several reasons that may play a role if you believe you cannot get pregnant and knowing them in advance you can take them into consideration.

In the past the worry that you would hear you cannot get pregnant was a concern that happened much later in life. Women have often waited until their late thirties to start their families. This gave them ample time to develop a successful career. Or if they had some burning desire in their lives, they had years to go out and make it real. Any hint that you cannot get pregnant before the late thirties was not taken very seriously. But at that age,having done with starting careers and all, the idea of having a family could receive all their attention. It seemed to be perfect timing and no one could imagine that they would be faced with the news that they cannot get pregnant.

The trend is no longer to wait until your late thirties. What used to be 35 years old is now closer to 25! Women are no longer putting their family plans on hold while they conquer the world. In fact 44% of women who are turning to fertility services and looking for assistance getting pregnant are under 35. These women cannot get pregnant and this is a major shift in timing.

And even younger women are still struggling with the fact that they cannot get pregnant. The number of 24 year olds that has had trouble conceiving has almost doubled in the past several years. Obviously what had been a problem for women over 35 is also a problem for those much younger. It still seems strange that someone this young would be looking at why they cannot get pregnant.

One of the major factors in being able to become pregnant is age. Isn't age just everything these days? Unfortunately our ovaries do have a lifespan of their own. To get pregnant takes eggs, and they need to be young and healthy eggs. As we age we simply do not make as many eggs. And the ones we do make are not always of the quality that produce successful pregnancies and may be the reason you cannot get pregnant.

Fertility also changes drastically as we age. The ability to get pregnant is very personal and women who cannot get pregnant often find that their bodies are to blame. On average fertility peaks at some point in your twenties. By the time most women are 31 their chances of getting pregnant are dropping at least 3% a year. And if you cannot get pregnant when you hit 35 the rate almost doubles! Time certainly is not on your side.If you cannot get pregnant it could unfortunately be nothing other than your age.

On average a woman can conceive until she is about 41. If she cannot get pregnant, like everything it depends on her body and everyone is a little different. Sometimes women have children late into their 40's and 50's. And then there are the sad cases where the ability to conceive seems to end in your 30's and you are faced with the news that you cannot get pregnant. It is something there is not really a way to know until it may be too late.

However, family history does play a part in fertility. It has been shown that if your Mother had a child late in life , it is likely you will be able to also.If you are wondering why you cannot get pregnant genetics can make a difference so glancing around your family tree may give you some insight to what you should expect.

Many women who have struggled with the thought they cannot get pregnant are sharing their stories...not only of the heartache when it didn't happen , but the joy when it did. You can read these stories of how they overcame not being able to get pregnant at Their methods of getting pregnant have helped many and hopefully you can find your answers too!

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Trying to become pregnant

Help Me Get Pregnant Now - Why Cant I Have a Baby?
By Erica Rose
Are you saying, Help Me Get Pregnant Now! or Why Can't I Have A Baby? Well, I may not be able to help you get pregnant now, but I believe I have found something that just might do the trick! If you are seriously wanting to become pregnant, like I am! Take a second of your time, and read my review!

The first thing you need to remember about trying to become pregnant is it is not always easy, for some women there is no problem at all, and of course for others there is a long dreaded wait.

Trying to become pregnant can sometimes be overwhelming. You will of course have the constant worry of if it will ever happen at all. This of course is only a natural process, and every women eventually goes through this faze at some point in time.

Trying to become pregnant can also add unnecessary stress on both you , and your partner. In some cases it can also damage the relationship if the stress level becomes to high. Let's face it! When you are really ready to experience the joys of becoming a parent, you will know it! For some women after realizing it, it may be hard to think about anything else accept becoming pregnant.

Having a child is a precious gift from God, and most women want to be blessed with the gift of becoming pregnant. If you are ready to try for a baby then I personally recommend reading "Personal Path To Pregnancy". You will also receive a free report which I have found to be very valuable key while trying to conceive.

"Personal Path To Pregnancy" has some wonderful topics in the articles! The Tip Guide will help you on your quest to become pregnant.

You will learn The Seven Most Common Mistakes almost everyone makes while trying to conceive (Including Myself!)

What store-bought product you must never use if you want to get pregnant?

What happens if you save up sperm for your fertile days?

Which food contains something dangerous for women trying to conceive?

How to finally nail the difficult task of determining when you ovulate?

Which vitamin can actually dry up your cervical fluid making conception next to impossible?
The worst beverage you can drink ? An over the counter medicine that can harm sperm?
Plus there is so much more info that will be of help to you while trying to conceive!

I believe that if you are really serious about getting pregnant ,and you want help getting pregnant now!"Personal Path To Pregnancy" is a must have!

Did you know that just one mistake can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant by 50 percent?
Do you really want to take any risk? When you are ready to become pregnant you will want to become pregnant right away, and "Personal Path To Pregnancy" will help you cut the wait time in half!

Let Personal Path To Pregnancy Help You Get Pregnant Now!

In my opinion "Personal Path to Pregnancy" is A Must Have!

If you want A free Pregnancy report check out Help Me Get Pregnant Now! It just might have the stork dropping off a little bundle of joy sooner than u ever thought possible!
By Erica Rose

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

getting pregnant fast

10 Possible Reasons Why You're Having Trouble Getting Pregnant And 10 Ways To Increase Your Chances
By Sally Moran
So you want to get pregnant? You may be wondering what's taking so long. "Why does it seem so difficult?" you may ask. "Why can't I seem to get pregnant?"

I had all these questions and more. I wanted to know how to get pregnant fast.

First, let's talk about the odds of getting pregnant in any given monthly cycle. One study cited a couple's chance of getting pregnant within the first month of trying at about 25%, while 60% will get pregnant within 6 months, 75% within 9 months, 80% within 1 year, and 90% of couples get pregnant within 18 months of trying.

Now let's talk about the factors that may be affecting your fertility and your partner's fertility. In other words, what's hindering your chances of getting pregnant fast?

Here are the 10 most likely causes of infertility issues followed by some conception tips to help increase your odds of getting pregnant faster.

1. Smoking. If you or your partner smoke cigarettes, this will greatly hinder your trying-to-conceive efforts. Women who smoke are 60% more likely than non-smokers to be infertile.
Medical research indicates that egg depletion and sperm damage caused by smoking is the cause for this decrease in fertility. Smoking is very bad for your health anyway, so this should give you a worthwhile incentive to quit for your own health and those around you. An unborn baby is at a high risk for many complications if the mother is a smoker. Also, if your partner smokes around you, you are affected by the second-hand smoke, which is very harmful as well. Remember that with over 2,000 different chemicals in tobacco smoke, not one of them is nutritious or enriching for you or your baby.

2. Illicit Drug Use or Alcohol Use. This may seem like a "no brainer" for most of us, but some women and men need to be reminded that illicit drug use is a no-no for those trying to conceive. Marijuana use specifically suppresses hormone production, which can cause decreased sperm count and possible erectile dysfunction in men and irregular periods in women. Alcohol in moderation may not significantly affect fertility, but if you want to definitely increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner rather than later, it's best to avoid alcohol completely (both the woman and the man).

3. Caffeine Intake. Caffeine is believed to reduce fertility. It also is believed to be risky during pregnancy with an increased risk of miscarriage with more than very mild use. Caffeine's
effect on fertility and pregnancy is controversial - some believe it to be harmful in even small
quantities and others believe it is fine with moderate use (up to three cups of coffee per day). But why take a chance, especially if you want to conceive quickly and avoid a potential miscarriage? Caffeine is in chocolate, coffee, tea, and most sodas. Even decaffeinated coffee and tea (black and green) has a small amount of caffeine, so be aware of this when drinking. If you truly want to get pregnant more quickly, you should give up caffeine altogether for a better chance of increasing fertility. If it's too hard and you have a caffeine addiction, then wean down gradually in order to make it easier on yourself.

4. Poor Diet. What you eat or don't eat is crucial to your overall well-being and
reproductive health. Getting pregnant is a complex process, one that requires many different body organs and glands to function properly to have proper hormonal balance and functioning. Most people don't get the recommended daily allowance of fruits and vegetables and water per day. This is very basic, but it's crucial to pay attention to in order to help increase your fertility and your chances of getting pregnant more quickly. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables (leaf lettuce, kale, collard greens, etc.), whole grains (oatmeal, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc.), raw nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.), and a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Organic is best, and fresh is better than canned or processed. (Note that Brazil nuts are especially good for sperm health).

5. Lack of Exercise. If you're sedentary, get moving. It will help you feel better, lose
weight if needed, and will improve your fertility and chance of getting pregnant. Walking, swimming, biking, or aerobics are great forms of exercise. Do something that you enjoy, and it will be easier to keep up. Exercise at least 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes at a time.

6. Obesity or Being Overweight. If your BMI is greater than 25, you are considered overweight and are prone to health risks. A BMI of 30 or more is considered obese. Avoid fad diets or skipping meals. It has been proven that starving yourself only makes things worse. Do eat, but eat smaller portions more often, and cut out the junk food. Start slowly if you need to,
but definitely start.

7. Stressful Lifestyle. If you have a stressful work environment, consider changing
jobs. Stress will not only affect your fertility, it will affect your overall health and place you at greater risk for heart disease and many other health problems. Also, do what you can to relax often (at least once a day). Practice deep breathing to help relieve stress. What I do is inhale as deeply as I can with my mouth closed. Then I exhale slowly through my mouth. This is an instant stress reliever for me. Try it and see what it does for you! Another stress reliever can be a leisurely walk, especially if it's something you enjoy and is in a beautiful environment. Go with your mate and use it to catch up on events of the day or just to dream of your future together. A warm bath can also be a great stress reliever, just don't make it too warm, especially for the males, as it could affect sperm quality and quantity.

8. Advanced Age. Advanced age is widely considered to be age 35 and older. Women who are 35 years old and older do have somewhat of a disadvantage when trying to conceive. It is said that a female is born with the total amount of eggs she will have her entire life. Thus, at age 35 and beyond, her eggs are considerably "older" than they were in her 20's, making it more difficult

to conceive. That said, those of us who are older need to be even more diligent to be optimally
healthy in order to increase our changes of getting pregnant faster. Men can be affected by age as
well, especially as libido tends to decrease with age. I have found maca to be a wonderful libido enhancer and also fertility promoter. It is said to improve the quality of a woman's eggs as well. I believe it helped me to get pregnant at 39 and carry my beautiful, perfectly health baby boy to full term.

9. Poor Intercourse Timing. In order to conceive, a couple needs to have intercourse
near the woman's ovulation time - the closer the better. If a couple just has intercourse "whenever", their chances of getting pregnant are not as good. Especially for the older couples in their late 30's to 40's, timing is crucial to getting pregnant faster. To get the timing right, you need to determine your ovulation date.

I like to track my cycles by using a basal thermometer. This thermometer is different from the
regular thermometer used to determine a fever. A basal thermometer is an ultra-sensitive thermometer that tracks your body's most minute temperature shift and helps you calculate ovulation. Another means I like for determining ovulation date is an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) . There are two kinds - the urine strips and also the fertility monitors. The strips are like a pregnancy test stick, only they measure LH (or luteinizing hormone) instead of HCG (the pregnancy hormone). The fertility monitors use saliva to determine your most fertile period by showing a ferning pattern when you're most likely to conceive.

10. Physical Issues. There are many physical issues that can hinder your chances of
getting pregnant. Eating right, exercising, losing weight, and quitting bad habits can greatly help to heal many of these conditions. Sometimes medical intervention is necessary, though. These conditions can include irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation (lack of ovulation), PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, low sperm motility or mobility, low sperm count, or luteal phase defect, among others.

I suggest that you get some prenatal tests done for you and your partner. If you've been trying
to get pregnant for six months or more, especially if you're 35 or older, see a reproductive endocrinologist. He or she will help you to decide which testing is best for you and your partner. Semen analysis will most likely be helpful to determine sperm health. And the woman's symptoms will help to determine what tests are performed for her. Prenatal testing is very beneficial even if you want to get pregnant naturally. If you know what your condition is, you're more likely to be able to overcome it.

If this article has helped you, please consider sharing it with someone you know who would
benefit also.
Sally Moran helps women to increase their fertility and get pregnant more quickly at Getting Pregnant Fast -

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Monday, February 15, 2010

Fertility Conception Pills

How to Conceive a Child - The Best Method by a Mile to Overcome Infertility Get Pregnant Fast!

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Conceive Over the Counter Fertility Pills

Over the Counter Fertility Pills - Is There an Effective One?
By Osita Modozie
Conceive is a brand of over the counter fertility pill which is used to boost fertility rate. They are two forms of conceive. They are the conceive for her and conceive for him.

The two parties struggling to conceive should take this over the counter fertility enhancement pills. This is necessary to touch every cause of their infertility issues. This pill is made to be in a supplement form.

Conceive for her
This enhancement product is made using the appropriate mixture of herbs and minerals, amino acid and vitamins to enhance your system hormone levels and better your egg quality.

You are recommended to consume 2 pills each day. As you take this over the counter fertility pill, it will renormalize the level of your hormones, better your egg health and in return you will get enhanced fertility level resulting to high chances of conception.

Majority of the women that took this pill were able to become pregnant in the length of 3 months of using this product. The result may vary, some ladies become pregnant after 6 months of using this product.

Conceive for him
Circumstances like low sperm quality and low sperm count can make a man not to get his wife pregnant. Conceive for him fertility pill can fix this problem. There are factors that lead to low sperm count and quality. They are unbalanced diet, alcohol, smoking, intake of recreational drugs and the rest of other factors can lower a man's fertility rate or cause a man to become infertile. 

This product is made using the right blend of herbs, vitamins, amino acids to boost your system's sperm creation and enhance your sperm quality.

The way to take it is the same as the way the women's fertility pill brand is taken. It is necessary for the two persons involved to take conceive in order to get the maximum effect from its intake.

You can learn more on how you can get Conceive Fertility Pill for cheap when you take time to visit to discover how it works.

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Getting Pregnant

How to Get Pregnant - How Long Have You Been Trying?
By Connie Lewis

For some couples how to get pregnant seems so natural and they seem to conceive simply by talking about it. While for other couples, it acquires a lot of patience and a turn of luck. Conception is based on a complex series of events.

Each month, hormones from your pituitary gland induce your ovaries to send out an egg, or ovulate. When the egg is discharged, it journeys to one of the fallopian tubes. If you been trying to conceive, now's the time. But how can you distinguish when you're ovulating?

Four tips on how to get pregnant.

Watch the calendar.
Use a day planner or some other simple calendar to mark the day your period starts every month. As well track the number of days that each of your period lasts. If you experience an unchanging 28-day cycle, ovulation is expected to start approximately 14 days after the day your most recent period began.

Keep an eye on changes in cervical mucus.
Before ovulation begins, you might discover an increase in, lubricious vaginal secretions - if you make a point of looking for it. This secretion commonly resembles egg whites before there cooked. After ovulation, when your chances of conceiving are slim, the mucus will become cloudy and sticky and disappear entirely.

Chart your basal body temperature.
This is your temperature when completely at rest. Ovulation may bring about an increase in your body temperature - commonly less than one degree. You will be most productive during the two to three days prior to your body temperature rises. You can assume ovulation has taken place when your body temperature remains higher for three days or more.

Use an ovulation forecaster kit.
Nonprescription ovulation kits screen your urine for the upsurge in endocrines that occurs prior to ovulation. For the most correct results, stick to the instructions on the label to perfection.

These are four tips on how to get pregnant that will give you a better chance of conceiving.

You're not alone some couples take years to get pregnant. It took me seven long years before I had my first child. I know how your feeling...You would make a good mother...if you could only get pregnant. There is a powerful book it's called the Getting Pregnant Plan I found it and it helped me. There were things that I was doing that were ruining my chances of getting pregnant. Maybe you are doing these exactly same things. Having your very own baby is a pleasure that goes beyond description...Click Here to see this amazing book and how it shows you ways to maximize your every chance of getting pregnant!

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Get Pregnant Best Natural Tips

Best Natural Tips to Get Pregnant
By Daphne Blair
Why is it that some couples can have babies as easy as 1-2-3 while it seems impossible for other people? Are you looking for tips to get pregnant? You're in luck. These tips if followed correctly would greatly increase your chance of having a baby.

First tip that you should understand is that you have to know your own body and you have to know it's individual needs and wants.

There are no two females that are alike or that have the same reproductive systems. Following the methods of your sister on how she got pregnant may or may not work for you. So what's the best method to increase your chances of having a baby? Know your body very well.

What do I mean by that? I simply would like to say that you should know the individual signs and signals of getting pregnant.

One of the most important signs is knowing your ovulation date. Your ovulation date shows the time your egg cell is released by the ovary. A female generally has 300,000 egg cell in her ovaries for her entire lifetime. Every menstruation cycle about 4-8 egg cells are released every cycle. The entire menstrual period of a female lasts for about 35 years. If the female started menstruating at the age of 14, she is expected to have her menopause at the age of 49.

With this information, understanding ovulation would generally increase our knowledge on how to boost our chances for successfully getting pregnant.

Basically, what you should consider is having coitus or making love on the day of ovulation or at most 5 days before to ensure the maximum probability. In order to get pregnant faster, you need to know how to detect your ovulation date.

For a female with a regular 28 days cycle, most the time the 14th is the day of ovulation. This day is your ovulation day.

But what if you have an irregular cycle, how can you get pregnant? Or maybe you have a uterine problem? Or was diagnosed to be infertile? What if there is a solution?

==> Want to know a solution Here's how to ==> have a baby faster <==
The author is a health practitioner engaged in writing articles to help women lose weight after pregnancy and other women's issues. Click here to learn how to conceive a baby

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Get Pregnant Fast

3 Great Secrets to Get Pregnant Fast By Daphne Blair
Infertile couples would like to solve their problem how to get pregnant fast. These 3 great secrets are so simple, yet many people miss them and decrease their chances of getting pregnant.

I know that you may have been scammed, and cheated before. Maybe you have also bought programs on how you can get pregnant fast and how you can conceive naturally and have a child. The problem is your still not pregnant. Is their something wrong with you? Would you like to know the answer.

Fortunately I will share with you 3 secrets on how you can conceive a baby naturally,safely and effectively. Before you know it, 9 months have passed and you might have already have a child to call your own. So let's get started before I start boring you with this explanations:

First Secret: Make sure the Sperm and Egg cell is young
You have to consider the age of these sex cells because timing is very important. Without the proper nutrients and capability, the sperm cell will die in about 2-3 days. The X-chromosome carrying sperm cell,which produces a female offspring would live longer than the Y-chromosome carrying sperm cell.

Why? Because it is bigger in size and has more nutrient supply. The X-chromosome also moves slower than its Y-chromosome counterpart. Have sexual intercourse on the day of ovulation of the female if you want to have a baby boy, and 2 days before the ovulation date if you want a baby girl.

The next thing that you have to consider is the ovulation date of the female. The day of ovulation symbolizes the time the egg cell passes into the reproductive system of the female. The best time for sexual intercourse is on the day of ovulation because the egg cell is just passing the fallopian tubes. In the fallopian tube, the egg cell and sperm cell will meet and fertilization occurs.

Second Secret: Know the Ovulation Date of the Female
Some of you already know that the 14th day of a 28-day menstrual cycle(before the first day of menstruation) is the ovulation date. That's correct. But that's only for those who have regular menstrual cycle. For those who have an irregular menstrual period, a different technique must be used. The methods that you can use if you have an irregular period are the basal body temperature method and spinnbarkeit(cervical mucus method).

Third and Last Secret: Have Sex Often
Contrary to popular belief, having sexual often will not only produced younger, stronger sperms it will also increase the chances of fertilization. But, you should allow a maximum of 5 day rest between coitus. More than 5 days would result into older sperms that are not only weaker but their capability to fertilize will also greatly diminish. While having Sexual intercourse for the purpose of getting pregnant, you should understand that it would also be best to have a longer foreplay as this increases the hormones that are responsible for pregnancy.

There you have it. 3 Great secrets that if done properly, would definitely increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you have already tried many methods and had almost lost hope in getting pregnant because of Infertility, Ovarian Problems, tumors,tubal obstructions and other uterine problems, I strongly suggest that you get a copy of Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle Program. It contains 14 years of research in Holistic approach to getting pregnant. Her program is one of the best resource on the Internet on How to Conceive naturally, safely and effectively.

==> Click here to know more
The author would like to share tips on how to get pregnant naturally and safely. She would also like to share tips on having a fulfilling married life.

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Pregnant Fertility

Pregnant Tips - 5 Simple Ways to Get Pregnant Now
By Eddy Kong

For some couples, getting pregnant is so simple as if like having a meal or drinking a cup of water. However, for others, it is so tough that they are going for series and series of tests, treatments, consuming tons of medication just to conceive. Most of them are constantly searching for pregnant tips to fulfill their pregnancy destiny.

Well, is this fair or not? To my opinion, there is no right or wrong in terms of fairness. It all depends whether you are listening to your body. Do you know that they are constantly signaling you pregnant tips at all times.
The first way is to take the right pills. Are you taking the right pills? Ingest folic acid or vitamin B can help to reduce the risk of serious birth defects that affect the brain and spinal cord. For this reason, the FDA recommends that all women attempting pregnancy take folic acid supplements for decreasing chances of birth defects.

The second way is to quit those addictions. Quit smoking, drinking and any drugs consumption. Smoking or taking drugs greatly reduces your odds of getting pregnant and can lead to miscarriages, premature birth, and low-birth weight babies.

There are some scientific studies being conducted that smoking can affect your fertility and lower your partner's sperm count. In fact, studies have shown that even secondhand smoke may affect your chances of getting pregnant.

The third way is to check your ovulation period. Try to figure out when you should have sex. Having sex on the wrong days and likely you would have missed the most fertile timings. Also, you can use ovulation predictor kits to assist you to figure out when you're ovulating by detecting hormones in your urine that signal ovulation is about to occur.

The fourth way is to manage your anxiety and stress well. Stress can cause the body to produce certain hormones that can perhaps cause miscarriage and that very likely can bring on preterm labor.
These emotional consequences of stress can range from a mild sense of being overwhelmed to severe episodes of depression. They can eventually lead to pregnant women feeling withdrawn and being unable to function.

The fifth way is to get into the right sexual positions. The traditional man on top proven to be the best positions to achieve conception, though there are no definitive studies has been done.
This position let the sperm to swim nearer within the cervix thus fertilizing the ovaries better. Other positions could be rear entry and lying side-by-side. Avoid woman on top, standing, or leaning positions, which discourage the flow of semen to the uterus.

Are you facing problems getting pregnant? Are you looking for fertility treatment, have fertility questions, or looking for books on fertility? Go to, pregnant tips site now, and get a free video on getting pregnant fast. You also go to for all kind of written and video resources on pregnant tips.

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

Get Pregnant

How Get Pregnant Naturally - 3 Ways to Get Pregnant During Ovulation!
If you are determined to conceive a child naturally, chances are you are trying to avoid infertility treatments, specialists, and prescription medication at any cost. Here are a few ways you can get pregnant naturally during ovulation and have your baby sooner!

First Way: By Observing Changes In Cervical Mucus
To be able to get pregnant during ovulation, you will have to know when it is. Seeing how the mucus in your cervix changes throughout your cycle in very important when trying to successfully conceive a child naturally. Your cervical mucus consistency changes throughout your menstrual cycle so look for it to change to a texture close to egg white. This will confirm you are ovulating.

Second Way: Fine Tune The Way You Have Sex To Conceive
Just simply having sex any way and every way is not going to be effective as far as getting pregnant fast goes. You will need to know what to do during sex to increase your chances of having a baby in nine months. It has been noted that using missionary position will bring the sperm as close to the egg as possible to shorten the travel time of the sperm. Another thing to note is the fact that women should not have an orgasm before the man because it dilutes the cervical mucus and can shorten the lifespan of the sperm!

Third Way: Keep Sperm Fresh
Some men think in order to increase chances of having a child, they should refrain from ejaculating for a long period of time to collect as many sperm as possible. This is a myth and sperm should be release by having sex or by masturbation frequently. Having fresh sperm at all times increases the chance the female will get pregnant faster during ovulation!

Now Listen Very Carefully Here:
How would you like to discover a mind blowing secret that will allow any woman to get pregnant even if you have the most severe case of infertility? Do not do anything else until you read each and every word on the next page first. Follow this link right now- Click Here

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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills

How To Get Pregnant

 How Get Pregnant FAST - Beat Infertility 100% Naturally
Many people underestimate the correlation between a healthy body and high fertility. IT IS HUGE! If you think about it logically, God (in the vaguest sense of the word) would have only wanted fit, healthy specimens to be able to reproduce and extend the family for survival's sake. So obviously good health is paramount!
Basically, improving your daily lifestyle is the key aspect when learning how get pregnant fast and naturally.

How Get Pregnant Fast Tip 1 Cut out the rubbish
Firstly, alcohol, smoking and caffeine are a BIG no-no. Alcohol can reduce fertility by up to 50% and causes increased chance of defective sperms being produced. Surprisingly to many, caffeine has similar affects.

How Get Pregnant Fast Tip 2 Improve your diet
A balanced, healthy diet is essential. Vitamin C boosts sperm mobility and reduce stress on female eggs. Zinc deficiencies have been linked to low testosterone and sperm count in men. Calcium and vitamin D are also vital. These are found in fruit, vegetables and dairy.

How Get Pregnant Fast Tip 3 Get fit
I'm not suggesting you start training for the marathon or anything - moderately intense exercise on a regular basis will help keep body fat down. Excess body fat in the body can increase the amount of estrogen secreted which in turn disturbs the reproductive cycle.

How Get Pregnant Fast Tip 4 Better sex
Now I don't mean this in the conventional sense of the phrase. You need to optimize your sex positions and timing for pregnancy. Woman are most fertile exactly in between periods. In this week you should aim to have sex at least 4 times. (Don't over do it thought or the hot flushes will kick in!) Semen needs to be deposited as close to the cervix as possible. Hence missionary and rear entry positions (lying down) are optimal.

You can do this, just be patient and persistent! There are some fantastic stories of success with of people using simple improvements on how get pregnant fast. Good luck!

Denise Fernandes is a Fertility Adviser who has had great success with 100% natural methods of fertility improvement.
Visit this inspirational account on how get pregnant and learn how even YOU can emulate this success.
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Get pregnant faster with fertility and sperm boosting pills for men and women. Use ovulation boosters and sperm enhancers to increase your chances of getting your own babies this time next year.
get pregnant with natural health pills